Friday, January 9, 2015

Adventures in England Part 1 - English Haul

     Hello, everyone! As my time in England quickly comes to an end, I wanted to begin posting some of the highlights of my trip.

     First, for a quick post on some of the beauty items I bought while I've been here!

1. The Body Shop products:
Shown: Tea Tree Skin Clearing Foaming Cleanser - £5, Tea Tree Blemish Fade Night Lotion - £9, Tea Tree Facial Toner - usually £5 for a much bigger bottle than the one shown. Also shown: A white candle from Matalan used for my meditation and my Luna Lovegood wand from the Warner Brothers Studio Tour London (more about that in another post!)
Shown: Atlas Mountain Rose Shower Gel - Free gift with my purchase!, Aqua Eye Mask - £6

    On our way to England, in the Minneapolis airport, we saw a store for The Body Shop. I was so excited, as I had always admired their products, but never came upon a store of theirs in the north. Sadly, we were short on time, and I wasn't able to go in. I was pretty disappointed, so you can imagine how excited I was when I found another one in Windsor, England! 
     On my first trip to this shop (yes, there were multiple..) I got this Aqua Eye Mask and a complimentary body wash. The eye mask is fantastic, especially on days where I have a headache, or my eyes are tired from a long day. I love turning on some classical piano music, putting this mask on, and doing some meditation. I have suffered with severe motion sickness since I arrived here, and the first afternoon I used this was during a bout of terrible nausea and a headache. Using this mask helped SO much with the motion sickness and I felt better in a couple of hours.
     The complimentary body wash I picked out is the scent Atlas Mountain Rose. I usually love rose scented things, but I have to say, the scent is a little overpowering and not my favorite. To me, it smells more perfume-y rather than like fresh flowers. I do use it often though! Mixing it with a bit of sugar creates the perfect body scrub before a shower and leaves my skin super soft! I personally wouldn't purchase this again because of the scent, but I would be curious to try some of the other fragrances.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

On Anxiety, Anorexia, and Activity!

     Hello again, everyone! I hope you are all doing well. In this post, I wanted to share a little more about my personal life and where I am at with my eating disorder recovery.
     First off, I can't remember if I have mentioned this on here or not, but I have suffered from pretty severe anxiety my entire life. As a child, I was not aware of this and it mainly played out as me being a very, very overly cautious little girl who wanted everything to go her way. I don't mean this in a bratty way (okay sometimes..) but in a way that if plans suddenly came up to meet or hang out with people, I can remember hiding in my room and wanting to cry. Around the people I knew, I was one of the most outgoing, charismatic children ever. I loved being in the spotlight, so this was definitely out of character for me.
     When I was 11, I was in a terrible car accident with my mom on my way to school. Our car slid off the side of an icy road and towards the freezing Minnesota waters. Thankfully, we ended up hitting a tree instead, unfortunately hard enough to total our car and wind up with me in the hospital getting 8 stitches beside my eye and in my hand. After this day, I spent the next 7-8 years having panic attacks while I was in any type of vehicle. For a long time, I would sit in the backseat with my hands over my ears, and rocking back and forth to try to keep myself calm.
     While I was in high school, my anxiety from moving away from Eve, the only friend I had had in years, and trying to fit in to a new school unfortunately turned into a deadly mix of self harm/anorexia/bulimia/orthorexia. I was in cheerleading and, as much as this did wonders for my self confidence, I was also in a school with the tiniest people you can possibly imagine. I had always been a chubby kid and was very bullied about it, so by the time I was at this point in my life, I had been so bullied and harassed before that I pretty much hated myself. I would go without eating for days. When I did eat, I would use laxative or make myself throw up. During these times, I would also walk on the treadmill for up to 4 hours every night after being in cheerleading practice during the afternoon.

Me at 15, with my cat Mika, in the midst of my body issues.
     This was definitely a very dark, hateful time in my life that I would never want to return to. After passing out one summer, I decided to stop using laxatives and throwing up, but I still starved myself and was addicted to using exercise to help me feel better about eating what little food did go in my system.
     It wasn't until the summer I was 18 when I fully stopped starving myself. Me and Eve had finally gotten into contact again the previous year and I was visiting her in Minnesota for the 2nd time that year. It was then that I told her I was gay and that I had had a major crush on her since we met. Over time, Eve realized she had felt the same way and we decided to be together. She did tell me, however, that she wouldn't be with someone who hated themselves and who treated their body the way I treated mine. In a quick desperation of wanting to go out with her, I stopped my eating disorder behaviors cold turkey. Don't ask me how, because I still have no idea how I did this so easily. Although, I never really did "recover". I just didn't think about my eating disorder anymore. I had also been very sick that summer, so I was very thin anyways. This, I believe, is why my eating disorder came back in full force once I gained some weight back in college.
     Later that same year in December, I got a job which I held for two weeks and ended up leaving because of severe depression and anxiety from being away from Eve while she was having a hard time in college, some other things going on in my personal life, and from my every day anxiety disorder. I decided it was best to go ahead and move to Minnesota to be with Eve and finish off my senior year of high school there.
     Being back in Minnesota was like a breath of fresh air for me. It was my loving, cold, tundra-like home. However, once things settled down and Eve went back to college 40 minutes away from her home in Minnesota where I was staying, my depression and anxiety hit me full force. This came out in every way from sobbing, having panic attacks, controlling my relationship, and even abuse. Looking back on the months I spent treating Eve and everyone else around me so heartlessly, I am so ashamed. It's taken an entire year for me to be able to even speak about it. But I am slowly accepting myself for who I was then and how it's not who I am now or who I will be in the future.
     This past spring, while I was in my Freshman year of college, I saw a counselor at my campus and was put on anxiety medication from my doctor. Things have been SO much better with my anxiety now. I still get panicky every now and then, but I can live. I can go for a walk outside alone. I can go on a road trip with minimal anxiety. It can be storming outside and you won't find me curled up with my ears covered, crying. I feel so free now.
     Anyways, as you know from a previous post, I am again going through recovery from my eating disordered thoughts again, but it is going so well now. The other day was the first time in a long time I really broke down to Eve about it and what she told me made me feel so incredible and beautiful. She told me of how my love for all things mystical, for tea, music, yoga, meditation, candles, and rainy days made me who I am, not how I look, which she thinks is beautiful anyways. She told me that I remind her of a goddess on a tarot card (different story, which I will share later ;) ) who has so much strength and beauty as she walks in the world. Her words were the amazing words that my heart had been longing to hear for quite a while. It helped me tremendously and I have been feeling so high in self-esteem the past few days from it. I hope to hold onto this feeling for a long time to come and I hope to keep her words pressed on my heart for even longer.
     I have made so much progress in my recovery and am now incorporating HIIT strength training and yoga into my daily routine. Not to compensate for anything this time mind you, but because I love seeing what my body can do and how strong it can be. Also I've been working on doing a handstand which is HUGE for me because with my anxiety and fear of not being completely in control, this never would have been imaginable for me, but I am making a lot of progress in it! So go me! ;) Anyways, sorry for the long post. I just felt it was much needed. I love you all and hope you have a blessed day! - Katelin

Monday, October 27, 2014

Bright Sunny Days

     Currently listening to this beautiful playlist after a meditation. I've listened to Dennis Kuo for 3 years now and his music still feels like my heart has been waiting to sing these melodies since I was young. I know that sounds odd, but it is the only way I know to describe it. I hope you all enjoy. Let's take a little more time to enjoy the feeling sunshine (or clouds!) and wind today as nature plays its own songs for us. Many blessings, everyone! - Katelin

Friday, October 24, 2014

Solar Eclipse, New Moon, & Self Love / Body Love Yoga

     Hello again, everyone and Happy October! Did anyone get a chance to see the Solar Eclipse or the New/Dark Moon yesterday? I didn't, but that didn't keep me from celebrating with some yoga, meditation, and this delicious Lemon Half Moon Cake (I wanted to get 2 to make a whole moon, but alas, ;)):

     I hope everyone uses the energy of this New Moon and Solar Eclipse to rid yourselves of negativity, bring new, positive energies to yourself and those around you, and to treat yourself with renewed respect, love, and kindness. 

     Now, moving on to my morning. I just participated in such a beautiful online yoga practice taught by Nicky Jones on You'll find the link to the entire video here: This gentle, Hatha yoga video is completely centered on thanking and loving your body, your mind, and your soul. One comment Nicky makes during the practice really stuck out to me: 

"You deserve the same love you give to others."

     What a simple thought, yet most of us treat our bodies like our enemies or things we just have to "deal with". Love your body. Hug and treat your body like you would your best friend. Be so thankful in your body that you wouldn't dream of wanting anything else. Easier said than done, I know. But I promise you, in time, you can come to absolutely love your body, your soul, and all of your passions and quirks. Have a blessed day of new beginnings and old friends.

Monday, September 22, 2014

GEO Xtra WT B65 Grey Circle Contacts Review

     Hello, everyone! I am SO excited because I just received my order of circle contacts I placed a while ago through Pinky Paradise. I love circle contacts and enjoy wearing them to feel extra cute some days. I haven't had circle contacts for about a year now and I finally had enough money to buy them again. Here are the one's I bought (please excuse my no makeup face!):

     These contacts are bigger than my previous one's (15mm as opposed to 14.6mm) and have a 38% water content. Here is a comparison to my regular eyes:

     They are MUCH more comfortable than my last ones. I'm not sure whether I received them out of date (I ordered them from a different, less well known site) or if they just weren't good contacts, but these are much better and much easier to get in my eyes! The size is a bit large for every day use, but thankfully, I love a dramatic circle contact look. SO over all I would give these a 9/10. The only reason they aren't a 10 is because they do dry out my eyes slightly. Not badly at all though! I also received them much sooner than expected! I placed my order on the 11th of September and received them on the 22nd!!

     Last but not least, the lens case that arrived with them! They are yellow fish and SO adorable!! I love them and my contacts so much. I definitely recommend these contacts if you like a dramatic look with natural color. And I recommend Pinky Paradise for their excellent, fast service! - Katelin



Just A Quick Post

     Hello everyone! just a quick post today on a quote that really changed my thoughts on what a "healthy" lifestyle is. Recently, I've been following Izzy on her blog, A Life Without Anorexia. Her posts have helped me tremendously through my recovery, always keeping me going when I am so tempted to just throw in the towel because things get too hard.
     Anyways, I was reading one of her previous posts the other day, and came across the quote, "The definition of a healthy lifestyle is not working out all the time, eating fruits and vegetables and lifting. A healthy lifestyle is doing whatever you like, smiling, inner peace, eating whatever you like and whatever is good for your body and your soul, loving, being happy, laughing with the ones you love, feeling comfortable with your body and being positive. Enjoy being alive."
     I always thought that in order to feel healthy and to feel good about my body, I should only ever allow myself a treat once a week or so, exercise every day, and make sure I am getting in enough fruits and vegetables. Why do we feel we can't just be happy without being drill sergeants towards our bodies??
     Since I've been in recovery, I've learned to trust my body, eat whatever it needs or craves and eat enough (or more than enough if I'm feeling particularly happy with that meal ;) ). I don't force myself to exercise every day, but only when I'm really excited to (and I do really love being active some days). Some days I eat 5 or more cookies even though I ate half a pizza the day before and you know what? Those cookies are freaking delicious and I'm happy I ate them. I'm so glad I am actually living my life in a way that makes me happy and not just in a way I feel I should. It makes the journey so much more positive. - Katelin
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